why you need the app Fly Like A Local

why you need the app Fly Like A Local

I am proud to announce the launch of Fly Like A Local. The app was years in the making and we now have a functional app. The Fly Like A Local app is a must-have for those who love general aviation. The app gives you access to a local when you need it most. As the app propagates with more users it will be invaluable to subscribers.

One of the great things about aviation is it’s a tight-knit community and we all enjoy helping each other out. Fly like a local gives pilots the chance to get local knowledge and help others. A million things can and do happen but if no one is around what then? As most of us know no matter how much we search the web and our apps the information can be out of date or nonexistent. In some cases, the contact email and phone number can be two or more years old and no longer in use. Many of the over twenty thousand public and private airports in the United States are non-towered and may or may not have someone on duty. Want to know if the restaurant is open or where to park? Are the fuel pumps working? You land and the FBO or office is closed for the day just open Fly Like A Local and ask a local. Planning a trip just open the app and search for an airport then a list of users pops up. You click on their name and message them. The app fills a gap in general aviation. The chat function and new features are subscription based. the price is very modest at 2.99 a month (subject to change) or 24.99 a year.


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